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Daily Challenge Cards - Take the Challenge!

Writer's picture: NLS TeamNLS Team

Next Level Sports have developed High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Daily Challenge Cards suitable for all children to use, as part of the Active 30 initiative. The Chief Medical Office (CMO) guidelines recommend that children and young people aged 5 -18 year olds achieve 60 minutes of physical activity a day. With the School Sport and Activity Action Plan outlining that least 30 minutes of this should be delivered in schools, through active break times, active lessons and after school provision and is now one of the key indicators on how effectively the sports premium funding should be spent in all primary schools across the UK.

Active 30 is a government ambition in response to the growing need to tackle childhood obesity (Childhood Obesity, Chapter 2). It is designed to reduce inactive behaviour and increase physical activity outside of timetabled PE by creating opportunities throughout the school day for children and young people.

At Next Level Sports we have created an easy to use resource, helping schools add another fun, active element to achieving their active 30 minutes. Our HIIT workout cards are categorised into traffic light groups, from green being the easiest to Red being the more challenging.

Without the need to get changed or find appropriate space, our HIIT workout cards can be done inside the classroom or outside on the playground, ranging from 10-15 minutes anytime during the day. You can either achieve one card together as a class or the children can work in small or large groups to achieve their individual card.

These cards can be purchased through your sports premium funding allocation as they not only help achieve the action 30 strand but also help improve the health and fitness of all children including your targeted least active children.

Daily challenge card works:

  • It takes 10 – 15 minutes a day

  • Cards can be achieved indoor or outdoor, whatever the weather

  • There is no set up, tidy up or equipment needed

  • No staff training needed

  • Children’s fitness levels can be measured – helping your school become a more healthier school

  • Children can perform the cards in their uniforms- no changing time needed

  • Cards can be delivered by Young Leaders or Sports Ambassadors

  • Helping your school achieve their personal challenges for School games mark

  • Children can work at their own level and speed and are not competing against each other Children can see their own personal improvements – increasing confidence

  • Children return to classroom more awake and with increase concentration

  • Helps improve fitness and achieve a healthier weight

  • Works on all forms of fitness: speed, strength, power and agility

  • It encourages children to be more aware of their health and the importance of exercise

The daily challenge pack is designed to work on the overall health and well-being of the children, with the aim to provide the following benefits, improve fitness, provides an opportunity to socialise, increase concentration, improve academic scores, building a stronger heart, bones and healthier muscles, improve self-esteem and encourage healthy growth and development.

These plans can be used in both indoors and outdoors due to the waterproof, durable and long lasting flexible card.

The Personal Challenge aspect of these cards, allow children and young people the opportunity to achieve their personal best scores. The focus is to try and improve their score each time they complete the cards. Progress will be supported by completing our Daily Challenge cards each week in build up to their termly or half termly challenge. PE Coordinators and Subject leaders can then view the progress using our easy-to-use supporting tracker spreadsheet.

A single order contains the following Daily Challenge Cards and Resources:

  • 30 Professionally Printed Daily Active Cards and a Personal Challenge Card, to help teachers and young leaders to easily assess the children’s progression and development.

  • An Excel Personal Challenge tracker spreadsheet, for teachers to easily monitor the children’s fitness progression and provide ongoing statistics.

  • A 6 month Refresher Pack included – After 6 months you will receive an extra 15 new Daily Challenge Cards, with new activities.

The cards are already being used in a number of schools across Nottinghamshire, we have had some fantastic reviews so far, with a really positive impact. One school reporting an 84% fitness increase across the whole school after a year.

“The Daily Challenge cards allow all children to take part whatever their fitness level. Children are motivated to improve and the results can be seen quickly and clearly. The children find the daily activities fun; they remain interested as the activities are different every day.”

PE co-ordinator- Bestwood Village, Hawthorne Primary School.

For more information or to order your packs today, please visit our website

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